Monday 6 February 2012

Research into Potential Target Audience - Primary

The opening I questioned an audience on was Higanjima: Escape from Vampire Island

00.00.00 - 00.02.05

The questions that i asked an audience were;
  • What genre do you think the film opening belongs to?
  • Why do you think this?
  • What do you thin the certificate of the film should be from what you have seen?
  • Is the film opening interesting for you as an audience?
  • Do you understand the narrative so far?
  • Is the editing smooth, does the pace match the action in the sequence?
  • What changes would you give the film opening?

Some of the answers I received were;
  • The genre is horror
  • This is evident through the dark mise-en-scene, sound and camera movements
  • It is probably rated 18 because of gory, mature content
  • The opening interests audience because it bring the audience straight into the action and they get swept away with the character
  • The narrative is obvious and easy to follow and give indication that it is a horror narrative
  • The editing is smooth and it follow the action and emphasizes it
  • Make it a little brighter so that the character and location can be seen more easily, make the acting more realistic
From what I have decided from the feedback given is that my film opening should be of a content for mature audiences, it should be intriguing and dark (mise-en-scene, lighting) and macro aspect should match the horror genre of the product. It should also be clear who is in the scene and what is happening in the scene. Also, the sequence should be more realistic to draw in the audience.

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